Monday, August 7, 2017
In our younger years, Pat and I were friends. We were on the same high school track team where he was a poll vaulter. It has been 56 years since I left the local area but at times, over the years when with my boys at their sports practices, I would share with them his commitment to being successful on the track team. He was the only pole vaulter and none of the coaches or other members had a faintest idea about was involved in the event. Every practice Pat would be out there running down the lane and vaulting higher with every passing day - then raking the landing pit by himself. If any thing, he sure as heck inspired me to do my best. As I can readily note by his obit, Pat obviously pursued life with the same conviction and energy.
May he rest in piece, and to his family and friends, my most sincerest sympathies.
Bill Geitz